Carson City Symphony Assoc. Presents "Cello Fest"
Sat., Nov. 16, 2024
The Carson City Symphony Assoc. presents "Cello Fest: On and Off the Page with
Sera Smolen" on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Eagle Valley Middle
School, 4151 E. 5th St. Carson City, NV. This one-day workshop is an opportunity for cellists of
all ages and experience levels to work on chamber music and improvisation.
Bring your cello, bow, and end pin holder, and join the fun!
Registration costs $25, and it includes lunch. To register, click on the "REGISTER" link
Dr. Sera Smolen loves teaching cellists from age 3 up. In her cello program at
Opus Ithaca, she combines traditional cello study with improvisation, composition and
world musics, inviting guest artists to contribute to our program. Some projects she has done
are practice marathons, winter workshops, composers projects and "Dances from Around the World."
Smolen received her PhD in music education from the Union Institute in 2000. Her Doctoral
thesis, titled Moons of Osiris is inspired by her longstanding research into string
pedagogy in Waldorf education. Smolen has a deep understanding of how to present improvisation
parallel with repertoire study. She is a frequent guest clinician in Europe, the US and Canada
for workshops and teacher training seminars covering pedagogies of improvisation and
composition for string players. She has taught at Mansfield University, Alfred University,
the Kanack School in Rochester NY, and Hobart and William Smith College. Visit Sera's
website for the teaching calendar, free resources, articles, ideas, and more:
For further information about the workshop, call Priscilla Hawkins at 248-904-6013 or
email her at phawkins@dcn.org.
Carson City Symphony Association concerts and other activities are supported in part by public funds
through a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts,
grants from Carson City, and by private donations. This workshop is also funded by a special
grant from ACMP - Associated Chamber Music Players.
To REGISTER click HERE to use our convenient online
registration form. You may pay your $25 registration fee from the form. (If you need to pay your
registration separately - for example, if you filled out a paper form and mailed it in -
you may make your payment by clicking the separate payment link here.)
Here are links to two articles Dr. Smolen wishes to share with you:
Photo: cello teacher and performer Sera Smolen